Name Type Provider Purpose Expires
JSESSIONID Necessary Used by sites written in JSP. General purpose platform session cookies that are used to maintain users' state across page requests. session
dps_site_id Performance This is a session cookie used for optimizing the speed and performance of the website. session

What are ‘Cookies’?

Cookies are small pieces of information stored on the hard drive by your computer or other device, (such as your tablet or smartphone) by your browser.

These cookies are generally used as a tool for websites to remember things that a website browser has done there in the past, for example, clicking on certain sections of a website, logging in, or clicking specific buttons. More information on cookies and their use can be found at or

How does Rutlen Associates use Cookies?

Rutlen Associates (“we” or “us”) uses the following types of cookies to enable specific website page functionality.

Necessary Cookies: These are cookies that are required to perform actions that you have requested.

Performance Cookies:
These are used to improve the functional performance of the website and make it simple for you to use.

Session Cookies: Session cookies expire once you log off or close the browser. They are only stored temporarily and are destroyed after leaving the page. They are also known as transient cookies, non-persistent cookies, or temporary cookies.

Changes to this Cookies policy

Occasionally, we may alter how we use and place cookies. If we do you will be notified when you next visit our website and you will be able to view the updated Cookies Policy. You can also revisit this page at any time if you wish to keep yourself informed.

How to contact us regarding Cookies

Address: 1100 Broadway St., #7216, Redwood City, CA 94063